Thank you for your interest in our Fall Fund Drive!!!

By donating to our Fundraising Drive, you are ensuring we can  provide the support and resources needed for our most important PTA initiatives. Our Fundraising Drive  goal is $15,000 this year. By donating, you are supporting:  

  • Community events like our Fall Family Fun Night and Rusty’s Rainbow Run  

  • Staff appreciation meals, staff appreciation week celebration and a monthly coffee cart

  • Funds for classroom needs like supplies, new books and special projects  

  • Funds for Art, PE, Music, Library and our School Nurse  

Equity Initiative: Rashkis is an inclusive community, and we want EVERY Raptor to be able to participate  in all our school has to offer.

This year we are focused on equity and have built our PTA budget so that we can  serve all our students. We hope you will keep this in mind as you make your donation! Our equity  initiative is committed to ensuring that every student will:  

  • Receive a Rashkis spirit t-shirt and yearbook  

  • Have a reliable, healthy source of snacks from the Rashkis Snack Pantry  

  • Be able to participate in after school clubs, field trips and school celebrations 

  • Receive a book at our school book fairs  

  • When needed, support student needs for school supplies, jackets and other essential items

We celebrate a donation of ANY size to our school! Every single penny makes an impact on our Raptors.  Some examples of what your donation can do include:  

  • $20 can provide spirit day stickers for our Raptor students for a month  

  • $50 can purchase donuts for our Digging for Donuts school beautification day 

  • $100 can cover the coffee in our monthly coffee cart for our staff  

  • $500 can stock our school’s snack pantry for one month  

  • $1000 can fund our Fall Family Fun Night  

  • $2500 can fund free after school clubs for all students for the year

    Thank you!!!